Work Packages
The B3Africa project is structured in eight Work Packages (WPs), each dedicated to addressing specific tasks.
Work Package 1 – Ethics and Regulations
This Work Package will provide a framework of legal and ethical regulations, which enable biobank data sharing under controlled conditions, taking into account different levels of legal protections of data in African countries and in the EU Member States concerned.
Work Package 2 – Integration and Support
This Work Package will create the technical framework for integration of software and hardware to be used in the proof of concept (WP7). The software for biobanking (LIMS) from WP3, bioinformatics analysis (WP4), and interfaces between processes and databases, and for the training and education system (WP5) will be defined, as well as hardware requirements for implementation of the whole platform and integration with external infrastructures.
Work Package 3 – LIMS in a Box
This Work Package will provide the Lab Information Management System (LIMS) to be integrated into the platform (WP2) and used in the proof of concept (WP7).
Work Package 4 – Bioinformatics
This Work Package will provide the bioinformatics framework for the B3Africa project. It will provide guidelines for the implementation of bioinformatics analysis pipelines, use and reuse of experimental omics data, and sharing of datasets and results, observing ethics and regulations regarding personal data protection and intellectual data protection based on the regulatory framework provided by WP1. WP4 will also identify open-source software, services, and e-infrastructures available for bioinformatics analysis pipelines. WP4 will reuse and improve the eBioKit from the H3Africa project.
Work Package 5 – Training and Education
This Work Package will develop and implement a package for education and training on the use of the platform, best practices in biobanking, bioinformatics data analysis, and data sharing, observing ethics and regulations.
Work Package 6 – Dissemination
The main goal of this Work Package is to widely disseminate knowledge about the B3Africa project, the B3Africa informatics platform, and the possibilities it will provide for biobanks and research groups in Africa and Europe. Another major goal of WP6 is to build trust among the research community, as a key prerequisite for the adoption of the regulatory framework for biobank data sharing and the guidelines, standards, and protocols for biobanking and bioinformatics, as well as to stimulate the adoption of the informatics platform implemented for the proof of concept of this project.
Work Package 7 – Use Case
The goal of this Work Package is the implementation of the platform as a proof of concept. Several partner institutions will take part as use cases to test the harmonization of ethics and regulations, biobanking best practices (LIMS in a Box), bioinformatics pipelines, and education and training in the B3Africa platform.
Work Package 8 – Management
This Work Package will deal with the day-to-day project management issues (strategic, financial and legal, innovation, coordination of Work Packages, quality and risk management) by the Project Coordinator and the Project Manager. WP8 will also manage external collaboration with other stakeholders. This task is essential to promote the creation of project clusters where constructive synergies can be achieved.