B3Africa AGM and Workshop at the Uppsala Health Summit, Sweden, June 2018

The third B3Africa AGM took place in Uppsala, Sweden, from 11th to 13th June 2018. During this meeting, hosted by SLU, B3Africa partners reflected on progress and achievements made over the three years of the project and discussed about the sustainability of the eB3Kit.

The B3Africa AGM was organised just before the Uppsala Health Summit, so B3Africa partners and stakeholders could benefit from both events.

In the frame of the Uppsala Health Summit in Sweden last June, B3Africa partner organized a workshop entitled “Biobanking for Global Cancer Care”.

This workshop drew upon the results from the B3Africa project, and developed basic guidelines for a sustainable implementation of biobank infrastructures in all parts of the world, including issues such as ownership, access and sustainable management.


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REGISTER NOW! “MSc Biobanking” in Graz, Austria


MSc Biobanking GrazThis year our first international graduates will complete the distance learning Master course “MSc Biobanking” at the Medical University of Graz – Biobank Graz. At the same time the next Master course is starting. Therefore registration for the distance learning Master course “MSc Biobanking” in English starting in October 2018 is open now.

Please notice that modules can be booked individually as well without attending the whole Master course and finalized with a document stating attendance of the course. However, this will not lead to receiving a Master’s degree.

Detailed information on the university course can be found on our homepage: www.medunigraz.at/mscbiobanking

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Stimulating discussions with stakeholders in Kenya last week

On 8-9 February 2018 the B3Africa project held a stakeholder meeting to discuss how to best continue the development of the eB3Kit and strengthen the research capacity of low-and middle-income countries. More information and pictures here.


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